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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I found love!

 My friends kept saying how they were surprised that a nice guy like me still didn't have a girlfriend.  There I was 32 years old no children,  no baby mama drama, college educated, own place, good job,  and dashing good looks (LOL), yet still I came home to an empty bed.  It's not like I wasn't out there trying to find love.   My problem was I was trying too damn hard.  I have been on speed dates, dating websites, crazy blind dates, and in a so called relationship with this one girl that was a complete waste of time.  I spent many hours perfecting my profile on I need a damn date dot com and still nothing.   Then last year around this time something changed, I stopped trying and just chilled.

 It was a cold snowy day in New York City, I had just left a concert supporting a friend, normally on a day like that I would have gone home and watched some HBO.   A little voice in my head told me to take the 6 train down to 86th street to do a little shopping at Best Buy.   As I came out of the station I ran into my friend and fellow choir member Kay.  As it turns out she was bored too and was browsing around.  Anyway we decided to browse around together and it was one of the best nights of my life.  I was dazzled by her warm smile, intelligent conversation, and sweet personality. On top of that she was fine!!! (LOL) We ended up in Barnes and Nobles goofing off, we didn’t buy a damn thing just walked around the store section by section, then we sat down in the café area and talked until the store closed. I don't know what it was about her but she had me feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

After the store closed I decided that I was walking her home, (with her permission of course). It was freezing outside, yet there we were floating down Madison Avenue like it was summertime.  We stood outside singing to each other and making videos with our cell phones.   Did I mention it was cold outside? LOL   That was one of the best nights I had in my life it was like I was talking to my best friend, we just blended so well together.  I thought to myself, “Why haven’t you talked this much to her before, look what you have been missing”.
I had been trying so hard to find the right girl and all time she was right in front of my face. The point I am trying to make for those who feel like they can’t find love is to relax and stop trying so damn hard.  Stop looking for love in all the wrong places and let love find you.   That same night I deleted my profile on I need a damn date dot com and today we are still going strong.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

I just want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.   Be safe and have fun spending time with the ones you love.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spotlight on:

You can say what you want about Whitney Houston but the truth is she'll always be the premiere voice that set the standard for the pop divas who came afterwards (including Mariah).   If Whitney Houston decided never to sing again she has nothing to prove, she's got hits that stand the test of time, won just about every award there is to win and will go down in history as the greatest voice of our time.   With that being said, I want to put the spotlight on hand downs the best Whitney Houston fan site ever!  I'm talking about

Don't go there looking for trashy gossip or trouble. is a site for the true die hard Whitney lovers. Ms. Houston is represented in a positive light.  With all these mean - spirited blogs and websites out here it's refreshing to know that such a site exists.   Please check it out for the latest news, photos, trivia etc.  Whitney Houston fans won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just Getting Started!!!!

Welcome to the Capricorn Groove!!!!  Yes it's a party reserved for the top notch. LOL (I stole that from the hit Neyo song Champagne Life).    I am excited to be starting this blog where I will give you a piece of me. There is so much that I want to say, so much I plan to share.  I will take you on my journey as I strive to become a SUPERSTAR, SOUL SINGING, & ACTING SENSATION while holding down a 9 to 5.  I will give my point of view on current events, music etc.

I am promising you that you won't be disappointed.  This is going to be the best blog ever, especially when I learn how to put all the fancy designs on here. If you email me and tell me that you don't like this blog I will give you your money back!!! That's a guarantee!!  LOL (I hope you laughed at that).   More is coming soon so keep checking for me.  Now I got to take my ass to bed, I got a job to go to the morning; I can't be on this computer all night.   Stay tuned!!!