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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Take That Birthers: White House Releases Obama's Birth Certificate.

How you like me now?

The White House has released a copy of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate proving that he was born in the United States.   Now maybe all of these birther movement clowns can stop with all this foolishness and let the man do his job.

Ever since this man took office his detractors have tried to pull everything they can out of their hat to take him down.  He has been called a liar, a terrorist, a Muslim an illegal immigrant, etc.    It’s one thing to be against a person but his opponents have turned their hate into a true circus act.

My favorite line is “It’s time to take our country back.”

To that I say who are you taking the country back from?  Aren’t we all American Citizens? Didn’t American Citizens vote and put this man in the White House?   I mean people really need to it with this foolishness.   I get so tired of turning on the news and mistaking it for a Saturday Night Live Skit, people like Sarah Palin and Donald Trump continue to look foolish and are an embarrassment to the country.    I am not saying that you have to like him, I’m just saying stop with the circus acts and the comedy skits it’s truly waste of time.    The previous President ran this country into the situation that it’s in now, and our focus should be working together to get things back on track.  With the release of The President’s certificate the White House released the following statement.

“At a time of great consequence for this country when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC was once again distracted by a fake issue.  The President’s hope is that with this step we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American People and the future of the country.”

Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s get back to business.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Back to School: Late Night Studying!

Me studying hard!

Folks I received an A in my Music Publishing class!! Yeah boyyyyyyyyyyyee!!!!  Now I am two weeks into my Desktop Music Production class and so far it's a lot of reading.  I can't want to we get into the production part of the class, I am ready to make some music.  I really need to calm my ass down because I still don't know how to properly use these Sonar and Reason programs.  I guess I am just excited.   I stayed up until 2 o'clock in the morning messing around with these programs. Damn it feels good to be working on something that you love!!!!    Well that's all for now, I gotta get my study on!!! Stay up people!!



I'm about to make some hot ass music, (as soon as I figure this out).

Damn this is cool, but how do I work it?  lol

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back to School: The adventure continues!

As you all know I am in the Graduate program at Berklee College of Music. My Music Publishing 101 class ended last week and I gained a lot of knowledge and was sad that it had come to an end. The grades are not out yet but I was maintaining an A average throughout the 12 weeks so we shall see. Well this week the spring courses begin and I am now in my first week of Desktop Music Production. This course is teaching me how to produce music, using the programs Reason and Cakewalk. Well I opened up the Reason software today and didn't know what the hell I was doing. The damn demo started playing fast ass club track. My girl called me on the phone while I was trying to find my way around this program. She heard the thumping beat and I lied and told her it was one of my creations. LOL Before she could get excited I told it was just playing. There is no way I could have learned to make a beat that quick or that hot! I was thinking to myself. "Damn what did I just get myself into?"

But the positive side of me always comes through and instead of having a tittie attack I decided to man up and stay focused. I can't let myself get all discouraged now. I paid too much money for these damn classes and I am going to get my money's worth and then some. So I say bring on desktop production you are going down!!! LOL